Found footage walks a fine line for me, it's never my go to subgenre and I'm always under the illusion that's im not going to enjoy my experience with them. Yet, immediately after the cameras have been rolling for a few minutes I find myself engrossed in the events unfolding on screen and 'Creep' was definitely no exception. From start to finish this whirlwind ride of constant curiosity and wonder had my attention. This film focuses solely on the events that take place between Joseph, played by Mark Duplass, and Aaron, played by Patrick Brice, over the space of what I can only assume is a matter of days, possibly weeks. I think both give extremely convincing performances, something I feel is vital in a food footage film. Both actors are so engaging throughout that it never once manages to lose a consistent pace or come to any form of slow down. Although we do only see two on screen cast members, we do get one brief interaction with Aaron and another woman on the phone (who is played by Duplass' real life spouse Kate Aselton in an uncredited role as Joseph's sister Angela). I think the majority of my dislike for found footage usually comes from the justification as to why the cameras are still rolling. It's so easy to get it wrong, and a simple plot oversight such as this can make or break these films for me. 'Creep' does not suffer from that issue. By having Aaron, our protagonist, open up with key exposition for the films plot, whilst also letting the audience know that he is a video blogger, provided me with all the justification needed as to why he would want to document every waking moment of his life. One thing that stood out to me as exceptional was the well-developed sense of unease you feel right from the start. Having multiple lighthearted jump scares and the occasional moment of strangeness from Joseph scattered throughout only amplified the sense of dread you feel as a viewer once things really escalate in the scenes towards the closing act. Without these moments, I don't think this film would hold anywhere near the same impact. Finding yourself constantly at the edge of your seat, waiting for the next moment to get you, is a clever tactic that is often attempted by using false and cheep jump scares. That is the case here but the comedic balance and lighthearted way it is done is not only forgivable but welcomed. Personally, I find 'Creep' to be one of the far more superior found footage films out there. The standard on display is incredible, considering this is not only Brice's directorial debut, but he co-wrote this film with Duplass, who both are the only actors we see on screen. Clearly having full creative control is something what has worked wonders for this production. This is certainly a debut to be proud of and one that has paved the way to gone on and produce an even better sequel.