'Boar' comes from the imagination of writer and director Chris Sun, who is possibly more well know for his 2014 blood soak attempt at the slasher, 'Charlies Farm'. This time Sun is taking on the creature feature sub-genre in the form of a giant Boar, bringing along with him some of his fellow cast members from previous films such as Bill Moseley and the hulking Nathan Jones.
Although this film offers very little in terms of plot or narrative, I would say the story loosely seems to be focused around Ken (played by Australian horror icon John Jarrat, from the 'Wolf Creek' series) and his family. Other than, Jarrat and a minor role from Mosley, I wouldn't say anyone is of recognition in this film. Their acting alone speaks volumes as to why you probably haven't seen any of them from anything prior to this. Every performance is unengaging and the cast members who do have any sort of credibility are clearly just here for the pay check, and it shows.
There are moments of great promise within Sun's cinematography and his filming styles throughout 'Boars' runtime. Unfortunately, these moments are few and far between and do not balance out the overall mediocre value of this production. It's clear that Sun has great potential as a director, but it is his writing and lack of budget that seems to be the key factors in holding him back. The wildest of creative choices has to be to use POV shots from the Boars perspective. I'm not sure how scientifically accurate the 'Predator' style heat vision is for Boars, but it looks dreadful either way.
I think one of the biggest mistakes you can make with a creature feature is revealing the monster in question way too early into your film - something this does within the first third. We don't see everything immediately during the first kill, but it's enough to see the direction this film is going and it really does damage the experience and expectations you have going forward. Once we get further into the story, there are some heavy CGI full reveal Boar scenes that are horrible. The decision to film these segments during the day is insane to me. All it does is enhance the poor quality and budget constraints this film suffers from.
Issues with the boar aside, the practical effects are very bloodied and gory. If I remember rightly, this was also one of the stronger elements of 'Charlie's Farm'. If, like me, you are a fan of practical work that this is just as enjoyable as most. Mosley's death was by far one of the more over the top kills, and although heavily rendered in CGI, it was still wildly entertaining to watch. I can only assume it was part of Mosley's contract to be killed so outrageously in order to get him to sign on for this film.
The idea of a giant pig is not something that really appeals to me in terms of what I would actively seek to watch within the horror genre. I think this was more a case of curiosity than anything else when I stumbled across this film. However, given how silly I originally found the premise of this film to be, it has a few moments that actually surprised me and I think given to the right creative hands, an appropriate budget and this is concept that I believe would make for a great horror movie. You could certainly come across a lot worse within the creature feature subgenre.